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Social Media Photo Booth

Our social media photo booths and events are fully social media ready

Social media? We’re all over it. Our booths and events are prepped and primed to make your party go viral. Each booth can be kitted-out in the latest in touch-me-and-share-it-now touchscreen tech. Guests will go crazy for uploading images straight to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SMS and email. Plus, we collect each and every one of your guests’ emails, ready to provide you with a swank CSV report – containing all your sharing stats – after the event. It’s one of the easiest, most fun ways of getting your brand out there on the World Wide Web. Your event might be gone, but it won’t be forgotten anytime soon.



We collate guests’ data throughout the event and provide you with a bells-and-whistles CSV report with all your sharing stats. It’s the best way of getting your brand out and making sure your event won’t be forgotten. Like.
